We currently offer six calculators for use by the Internet community. These calculators are designed to assist water and wastewater operators.
Geometric Mean calculator. This calculator accepts a maximum of 100 entries and computes the geometric mean, arithmetic mean, sum, and standard deviation of the sample set. It is useful for tabulating a column of data for a Monthly Operating Report. Click here for a description of the geometric mean calculator.
Wet Well Volume Calculator. This calculator accepts user input of the dimensions of a wet well. The volume is computed. Wet Well Volume Help file.
Calibration of Wet Well via open channel flowmeter This calculator is used to calibrate telemetry wet well volume base on data from an independent open channel flow meter. Click here to display Horton Engineering white paper of the use of an open channel flow meter to calibrate telemetry flow rate using wet well size.
Route calculator for hand held GPS applications This calculator is used to create route way points for highway travel to selected destinations. Destinations change monthly. Past destination have been locations like New Orleans Mardi Gras, Superbowl in Tampa Bay. The current destination is Daytona, Florida for the Rolex 24, Daytona 500, Speedweek and Bike Week.
Little League Baseball Statistics Calculator This calculator will calculate batting average, slugging percentage, fielding average, Pitching ERA, Win-Loss percentage.
Miles Per Gallon Calculator - Vehicle Fuel Consumption. This calculator take user input of elapsed miles, fuel consumed (ie gallon to fill tank), and cost to fill tank. It calculates miles per gallon (MPG), Fuel cost per gallon, Miles per dollar ratio.
Degrees:Minutes:Seconds Conversion to Decimal Degrees Calculator. Converts a geospatial coordinate lat=dd:mm:ss.sss[NS] lon=ddd:mm:ss.sss[EW] to [-]dd.ddddd [-]ddd.ddddd.
K3KL.ORG Solar Activity Monitor
Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
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